Sunday, May 8, 2011

USB Dongle: It’s not FREE, It’s FREEDOM.

Every change in technology always has something. It gives freedom and pleasure to our daily work. There is always something new when you look out of window. One revolution has come in the broadband field. The broadband become wire to wireless. This change in technology has given freedom to broadband users in the term of connectivity. And for fulfilling this need we use the device called USB Dongle. It is a small piece of hardware that connects to at computer or laptop.

Basically this device allows Bluetooth connection between a PC and other Bluetooth device, as well as internet access. It allows sharing the files with other Bluetooth PCs, dial up the internet through other Bluetooth PCs with internet connection or other Bluetooth mobile phone. Being a programmable, this device allows greater flexibility. A Technical person is able to code anything whatever they want by applying some algorithm and store it in Dongle storage capability. This is efficiently designed and its feature and excellent logic of the written software provide a highly improved security. Per-timing or per-use licensing methods are also based, depending upon the software.

With all these uses the most revolutionary change comes in the broadband connection. Now you don’t have to worry about heavy wires and fixed line which makes you stay at one place only if you want to connect yourself all the time. USB Dongle is wireless device by which you can connect to internet via your service provider. When you sign up with internet service provider, your service provider gives you this device for being connected all the time while you are on move. Sometime you get this device for free but it depends upon the contract which can be 18 month long or more. Cost can be low also and you don’t require paying BT line rental there are also Pay As You Go Deal. Otherwise you will have to pay for the device. After plug in to your PC or laptop you can access through internet anywhere with 3G mobile coverage.

This device has got great success because of the way it can use. It has replaced the wire system. You don’t need to pay extra money for line rental.

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